Monday, October 20, 2014

How to Use Vine and Instagram


A picture's worth a thousand words. So what is a 6 second video worth?

Vine is an app that lets users share quick six second videos with each other. These videos are most commonly shared on Twitter, but they can also be seen on the Vine app.  Twitter purchased Vine in 2012 and the app launched in 2013. Since then, it has grown to become very popular with millennials in high school and college.

There are even "Vine Celebrities" that some users like to follow to be entertained. Many of these "celebrities" use humor and collaborate with other users who have a lot of followers to create funny videos. These users are also sometimes sponsored by different companies.

Many companies create Vine videos with special effects and animation such as the Lowe's #FixInSix campaign. This can be hard for small business owners to do with a limited budget.

So how can you connect with your customers on Vine without spending a lot of money?

Try giving your customers a behind the scenes look at your business. For example, if you run a restaurant, create a short video of your cook preparing the special for the night, or if you run a small boutique, create a video of one of your employees opening the box of new dresses that just arrived.

The key to a successful Vine is to make it entertaining and to make sure that it gives the viewers an exclusive look at something they find interesting.

Here is an example of how the Georgia Bulldogs football team used Vine to give fans a view of the team entrance from the sideline.


Instagram is an app that allows users to share and edit pictures with each other.  The app is exclusively for pictures...  no wordy status updates.

Instagram is very popular with millennials and even some Gen Xers are starting to sign up.  On Instagram, users post pictures for others to see and like or share with their friends.

Companies use Instagram to show customers pictures of their new products, and even pictures of food.

The key to a successful Instagram account is to only post pictures that you would consider framing and hanging in your home or restaurant. You want to avoid posting pictures with too many words or awkward looking pictures of people.  If you wouldn't hang it in your home or make the photo your next profile picture, you probably shouldn't post it to Instagram. You can also use Instagram as another way of giving your customers a behind the scenes look at a typical day for your business.

Here's an example of a good photo published to Instagram by The Home Depot.

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